Contact information

Our location

Koperwerf 7, 2544 EM The Hague

Opening hours

Monday until thursday: 08:00 – 17:00
Friday: 08:00 t/m 15:30
Saturday – sunday: closed

+31 (0)70 – 32 99 174

Contact us

If you have any questions about our company, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help you.

Need a metal wire product?

Address information

Koperwerf 7
NL - 2544 EM Den Haag

+31 (0) 70 32 99 174

Other information

Chamber of Commerce number  -  27096095
VAT number  -  NL004839742B01
Rabobank Sittard  -  NL95RABO0323123678


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If your product has to be manufactured from bright steel metal wire, galvanized metal wire, stainless steel, spring metal wire or aluminum wire with a diameter ranging from 0,3 and 14 mm, the chances are we can manufacture the product for you. We would like to have the technical drawing of your product so we can advise you on potential modifications that would improve the quality and durability of your product.

Blok's Draadvorm is not set-up for manufacturing of small quantities. Our bending and welding machines are built to accommodate production of a wide range of designs but always with identical output. This does however increase setup- and programming times and may also require new tools and/or welding fixtures for your specific product.

Blok's Draadvorm is a high-end manufacturing company for suppliers and/or manufacturers.
Blok’s Draadvorm has an average delivery time of 3 to 4 weeks for products that only require bending, from the time the design is fixed and the PO is submitted. Exact delivery times depend on machine availability, availability of the necessary equipment, etc. New products that require assembly typically have longer lead times as more time is required to create all necessary tooling.
Many products can be ordered and tailored to your specific needs, but several of these products are protected by a patent. The patent may have been submitted by Blok's Draadvorm or by one of our customers. Please contact us if you would like to receive more information.